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- Kids' Bags 17 items
- Kids' Beach and Outdoor 33 items
- Kids' Rooms 37 items
- Bath Time 23 items
- Kids' Toys 82 items
- Baby & Toddler 23 items
- Kids 5-11 Years 63 items
- Animals & Dinosaurs 14 items
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- Educational Toys 21 items
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- Popular Kids' Themes 77 items
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- Kids' Stationery 25 items
Kids 5-11 Years
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Toys for Kids Ages 5-11
Lillian Vernon offers a great selection of toys for 5 year old to 11 year old children. We offer educational, creative toys and games any child will enjoy. Let their imagination soar with fun toys from Lillian Vernon. You will find toys geared for boys, girls and both that are perfectly suited for ages 5 to 11. Be sure to view our entire selection of kids toys for even more fantastic gift ideas!