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- Kids' Bags 17 items
- Kids' Beach and Outdoor 33 items
- Kids' Rooms 36 items
- Bath Time 23 items
- Kids' Toys 84 items
- Baby & Toddler 23 items
- Kids 5-11 Years 64 items
- Animals & Dinosaurs 15 items
- Arts & Crafts 10 items
- Books & Storybooks 2 items
- Cars, Trucks & Transportation 6 items
- Dolls & Accessories 6 items
- Educational Toys 21 items
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- Plush Toys 15 items
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- Sports & Outdoor Toys 6 items
- Popular Kids' Themes 78 items
- Back To School 21 items
- Kids' Stationery 25 items
Baby & Toddler
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Best Toddler Toys
Lillian Vernon has tons of adorable toys for infants which make the perfect gifts for baby and parents. From books and taggies toys to playsets and color blocks, all of our items are great for children from newborn to four years old. You'll have fun browsing all of our cute personalized baby gifts and choosing from our selection. Once they get a little older, make sure to check out the toys for kids ages 5-11 from Lillian Vernon!